About Pure Cane Brown Sugar

Brown Sugar is made in both a light brown sugar and a dark brown sugar that is noticeably darker in color and has a stronger molasses taste. The brown sugar that you choose to use is usually dependent on personal preference and recipe requirements. Recipes will specify which to use when it makes a difference, otherwise feel free to use either light or dark. Brown Sugar is a boiled brown sugar that is true brown sugar, with an amber color, soft texture and distinctive flavor. Light Brown and Old Fashioned Dark Brown are the two most common styles of brown sugar, which mainly vary in strength of flavor.
Brown sugar should be stored in a cool, moist area in a covered container. If that’s not possible, store the entire container in a second canister with a tight-fitting lid. You can also empty the sugar into a rustproof container (or a heavy, moisture-proof plastic bag) and keep it tightly closed. Even though the shelf life of brown sugar is indefinite, it’s best to use it within six months of purchase for maximum flavor. Don’t store brown sugar in the refrigerator. However, if you are in a very dry area or are going to keep it for a long time, you may want to freeze it. To use frozen sugar, thaw it for two or three hours. If ice crystals form after long freezer storage, gently stir the sugar as soon as it thaws to prevent pockets of moisture from causing damage.

Brown sugar becomes hard when moisture in the sugar evaporates. Therefore, the various methods used for softening brown sugar are intended to return moisture to the sugar. We recommend you try the following methods for softening brown sugar that has hardened:

Quick softening method: If you need to use hard brown sugar immediately, remove it from the package into an oven-safe container and heat it at 250°F. Watch it carefully. As soon as it’s soft, measure the amount you need right away because it will again harden as it cools. Please use caution. Oven heated sugar is very hot!

Microwave softening method: Place about 1/2 lb. of hardened brown sugar in microwave-safe bowl. Cover sugar with two pieces of wet (but not dripping) white paper towels. Tightly cover bowl with plastic wrap. Heat in microwave at HIGH for 1 1/2 - 2 minutes. Divide sugar with fork (sugar will be hot); stir. Again, microwave-softened sugar hardens as it cools, so microwave only the amount of sugar you need. Use immediately and use caution as it will be hot. Microwave ovens vary in power; cooking time may need adjustment.

Time-permitting softening method: Place hardened brown sugar in a tight sealing container. Cover sugar with two pieces of dampened – not dripping – wet paper towels placed over a small piece of plastic wrap or foil on top of the sugar. Or you can add a slice of bread to the bowl of sugar. Place lid on container and seal tightly. Remove the paper towel or bread after the sugar absorbs the moisture and softens (about two days) and tightly reseal the container. Divide sugar with fork; stir. Sugar should remain soft.